Aunty Ruth

Complicated logistics today in order to not get Ben too upset! Gran and Grandad and Aunty Joan here in the morning, late breakfast, banana snack for lunch, then goodbyes to the grandparents and Steve off to the train station to meet Aunty Ruth in secret (well, secret from Ben who only knew that she'd be here when he got home from school) while I got Ben out to school without any trauma or drama!

Ben loves his Aunty Ruth. Turns out, so does Charley :D They were all over her. Charley gives the cutest little baby kisses and Ruth got lots!! They enjoyed opening more presents before we had tea, and then there was more play before bedtime. Neither of them wanted to go to bed but tiredness won and it wasn't very long before they were both asleep on the sofa. By the way, both boys are howling with laughter in this shot, not crying, although Ben's expression does make you wonder!

Supermarket order done for tomorrow evening, three lots of laundry done today, two cups painted and one drawn on, dinner made (I actually cooked dinner tonight!!) and Steve out at some AES show all evening.

I'm going to bed, it'll be gone midnight before he's home....

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