Flight path

Thank you everyone for being so interested in my crazy adventure - and for travelling along with me.

We had a wonderful final day in Norway. Our whale watching was terrific - four humpbacks and a group of Orcas. I got some photos but the light was very blue and strange. I've converted several to mono and it shows the creatures better. But for blip purposes, that was yesterday.

Our flight was amazing. We were enduring some turbulence on the way up when the pilot said that the Northern Lights could be seen on the right hand side. Some people ignored the safety stuff and shot across. I tried but wasn't quick enough - although I did get a quick look before they had vanished. It wasn't a proper sighting, though, so I will still have to return.

One of our group had come on the trip to fulfil a dream. She was being treated for cancer and had really had a tough time. But she saw the lights - and even got a photo she says she will email to us all. If any of us was to taste the magic, we were all pleased that it was her.

The plane had free wifi! Norwegian are brilliant like that, although it was quite slow. I did the "I'm on a plane" thing that I so despise when people are making calls on the train......

We landed just before midnight - and it wouldn't have been safe for me to drive back up to Lichfield as I was really tired (it had been dark since 2.00) so I stayed over.

I had a lie in and pootled over to the car park mid morning today, only to discover that my car was parked right under the flight path.

The blipper in me took over and I stood there, taking shots of the underneaths of planes - not a shot you often get at this proximity !!!!

Then I drove home.

I hadn't realised just what a hold the Aurora has over people.... other passengers yesterday were talking about going out with the Light Chasers....... now that is for another day.

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