King Fahd's Fountain

Rumour has it that it's the largest water fountain in the world but don't think it's been officially confirmed. Pretty impressive feature though, snapped it from the car.

I went to Al-Balad tongight, it's part of Old Jeddah - had a wonder through the souks and along narrow streets. We arrived at the start of the final call to prayer of the day. People were scurrying about with the men heading for the nearest mosque, which was quite a sight. About 20 minutes later, the rat-tat-tat-tat of shutters being opened signalled the end of the prayer time and back to business.

Lots of blip potential but couldn't blipping well take 'em. A tad frustrating to say the least. (Get used to blips taken from the car!) I'm having to be mindful of where I'm pointing my fuji.

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