An afternoon at Nanny and Grandad's xxx
Eva took a while to get off to sleep last night, and then woke twice in the night at 11.30pm and 4.30am, then slept til 9am. And did another 3 poos today! What is going on? Lol! She did have a 2 hour sleep at lunchtime, although she didn't actually go down til 12.45.
When she woke, I packed her a few toys and a box of raisins into her changing bag, and we went round my mom and Peter's for a couple of hours. Had a lovely chinwag and Eva played on the rug. She was in lovely spirits bless her, and enjoyed munching on her raisins. My dad popped round too for a coffee, so that was lovely too.
Jake watched Eva when we got back while I got dinner on. We walked in to him watching Les Miserables so I think Eva enjoyed the music.
I gave her some stew from last night's tea for her dinner tonight. She enjoyed her stew last week, but tonight, she just kept spitting it out, the little monkey. She did eventually eat about two thirds of the bowl once she realised it was actually nice lol.
Mike gave her her bath and got her ready for bed tonight, then I went up and gave her her milk, but then she just would not settle. I went up and tried, then so did Mike, but in the end, I gave her more milk which she absolutely gulped down, then did eventually go to sleep at around 9.30pm. She was shattered xxxxxx
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