We went off to stay and play this morning, one of Eva's highlights of the week. We sat on the big mat next to a lady called Dani and her 6 month old little girl, Sofia. Eva was all smiles and happy. They got the big parachute out towards the end and asked for all the kiddywinks to sit in the middle of the mat. Dani and Sofia had gone by this stage, which left Eva as the only baby yet to be able to walk and so was the only babba who actually stayed sat on the mat. It was hilarious... All the moms were singing The Grand Old Duke of York and Ring a Ring O' Rosies, and went up, down or round and round depending on the words in the song. Eva being the only baby sat on the mat had all the moms moving the parachute just for her and was sat there making little "whhhoooooo" noises and squeals and lifting her little arms up and clapping her hands with a lovely big smile on her face. I found it so funny, she absolutely loved it!! Awwww bless her so much.
We had a bit of an incident with a bread stick during snack time at stay and play. The 2nd time this has happened in a week now with breadsticks, so I'll be laying off them with her for a bit. She wasn't choking but a piece did get a bit stuck and it frightened her, I won't lie it frightened and upset me too. She was fine after a few minutes and cuddles on my lap.
I got the bubbles out this afternoon and tried to get some pics of Eva's reactions to them as she was so excited, but most of the pics were blurred (as they would be with how excited she was) managed to get today's chosen pic though xxxxx
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