
By fennerpearson

The kindness of (near) strangers

I had a plan today, and the plan was this: drive to the garage and pick up the hire van; go home and pick up the spare but new mattress (long story); pick up a second hand and rather awesome bed for Dan; drive to the Minx's to drop off the mattress; go to the International aid furniture warehouse to collect a load of furniture and drive home.

I arrived at the garage at nine as planned, and went over to the office to complete the paperwork. When I didn't have a car, earlier this year, I hired a car from Kirkby Motors on a number of occasions and I'd usually stop for a natter with the people working there. One lady, called Elaine, I liked particularly - no, no, not like that - as she performed in a comedy troupe.

Anyway, after a quick chat, she told me that all the paperwork was by the till, so I ambled down to sign, pay and get the keys. Now, as it happens, I've mislaid my bank card. It's been missing for about a week, so I've been having to rely on cash. So, when it was time to pay, I pulled out three twenty pound notes. The chap behind the till told me that he couldn't take cash for a van hire. "Really?" I asked, in my best *really* voice.

"Well, I can check", he replied amiably, so we walked back to the office. It turned out he was quite right. For some reason, the payment had to be by card.

No debit card and no credit card (apart from my company one, which wouldn't do).


I felt the whole day beginning to slide away from me, slowly but gaining momentum, like a huge cliff of ice calving from a glacier.

And then Elaine said, "Don't worry, I'll put it on my card and you can give me the cash!" My saviour!

I'd like to say that the rest of the day went entirely according to plan but it didn't. However, and crucially, by the end of the day, everything that needed doing had been done. Here's a picture of my new wall... thing. thirty-five quid!

So, my heartfelt thanks to Elaine and also to my mighty colleague, Steve. Of all the people on this planet, he's the one I most wanted to help me manoeuvre a hefty washing machine down some rickety stairs into the basement.

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