
By Charlie17

The I's Have It!!

Eye, Eye.
I, I.
"Aye, Aye. Fit like?" is a common greeting in the north east of Scotland. It can be translated roughly as " Good day to you. Are you feeling fit and healthy?"
I had a visit to the opticians this morning. ( I will have to have a word with my P.A. Imagine arranging appointments with the dentist and the optician in the same week!)
Various eye tests and lots of different lenses. It is such an intimate experience in a way. Enclosed in a pretty small room looking into each other's eyes!
"Eyes are the window to the soul"
Whatever. Apparently my eyes are the same as before so no new glasses. ( a pity in a way, I was looking forward to multi-coloured frames!)
As I have said before, Forever Changes by Love is one of my very favourite albums. I saw them, although it was really Arthur Lee and his band, three times. The first time I saw them, I was very apprehensive as I wondered if they could possibly live up to my expectations. They did, and more. They played a lot from Forever Changes including this track here but also some earlier, and later stuff.
Thanks to everyone for their comments, stars and hearts enabling my sunrise photo to hit the spotlight. Well chuffed.
Is that a weird thumbnail or what?

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