
By CharlotteJ

Happy Cats

So last night as you know I attended The Tower for an award evening, Chris was also with me as he was presenting an award.....what a good night it was…I had chips at 1am! (there was so much food)

The cats, you all know by now as my girls, stayed at their new cattery and this afternoon I collected them. I have never seen such happy cats in a strange environment! Normally I bring them home and they are both frantic for hours but not tonight. They came in, had a little food and went to bed as normal. The cattery even reported, for those who have followed the story, Tess was not aggressive!! and now we have Millie sound asleep like nothing has happened.

A boring blip I know but I am sure you don’t mind!

Thank you all for the hearts and stars for last night.

It was a lovely evening and the hotel is fantastically placed but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it! It’s a business hotel and that is all!


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