
By hildasrose

Guard dogs

I always love reading all the dog-centred Blips .. I haven't got a dog at the moment so I thought I'd show you my three favourite dogs keeping guard over the Boxing Day Curry. The big red one is Everard, the recumbent brown one came from Cornwall and the cheeky brown and cream one is my Irish Hound from Bantry and between them they cheer up my kitchen windowsill. Curries seem to be ok but I'm not convinced about the seasoning yet so they can fester in the freezer for a few weeks and be seasoned again when they emerge in all their glory on Boxing Day. Will have to get around to inviting a few folk too!

I can't believe how quickly this year has passed me by. That doesn't sound quite right because it implies that the year has just happened and nothing much has been going on. That's absolutely not true because it's been an exceptionally full on year and it hasn't finished yet!

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