South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

View from above!

It was wonderful driving along the country road to Art today, with the autumn colours, the leaves cascading down and pheasants strutting about. There's very few places where you can stop the car though to take a photo as it's a windy road with rather muddy verges (where there even are verges). So I can't share it with you I'm afraid...

The barn where the Art classes are held has a gallery at one end where we go up to wash our brushes etc. at the end of the class. While I was up there today I noticed that it would make rather a nice went back up with my camera! I was quite pleased with this shot as there was quite a lot of interaction going on. (I had packed up a bit early because I needed to get home for a cooked lunch! Hubby and son can't eat in the evening on a Friday because they help run a children's club). One person had already left even earlier, so we had quite a full house today.

I really must try and get through the increasing pile of ironing - or at least some of it! - this afternoon. I know I should go out for a walk, but this cold, grey weather makes me hibernate. It's not my fault, it just happens! ;-)

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