
By Grimsayer

A murmuraton

As mentioned previously, I love those Victorian collective nouns and the of starlings is perfect. Every night at several locations in the West Country,and elsewhere I am sure t,here is natural spectacle that people should travel miles to see - roosting Starlings. The birds fly in from miles around to roost n a favoured spot - in this case Marazion Marsh.
The synchronised aerobatics they perform put the Red Arrows to shame. A still image almost fails to do it justice as the flock twists and turns, breaks up and reforms, all the time with the background noise. The most spectacular can be when a predator gets in the flock and then the patterns change incredibly quickly.
And as a bonus at Marazion, you look the other way from the aerobatics and you get the iconic St. Michael's Mount sitting in Mount's Bay in all its glory. It is good to be back in West Cornwall!

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