Peat 2000 Us 0

On the 26th October I proudly announced that we had finished turning our peat. This turns out to not be quite as true as it might be. About a week ago, we were chatting to our neighbour and as ever the talk turned to peat. He said that this year none had been cut on the side of the road which we had turned and that there was none left unturned on the side which had been cut. After digesting this for a few days, we set out onto the moor on the side that had been cut and there was two rows of peat there unturned and sadly it had our name on it. They are two of the rows in this image stretching off into the distance. We had clearly spent a fair time turning someone else's peats, generous souls that we are, albeit someone who had left it on the moor untouched for a year and a half.
Rather resignedly we have started turning our peat - again. It is not helped by the fact that for much of it, the distinction between the cut peat and the surrounding mud and water is not one of the greatest clarity. We beat a hasty retreat when I got my second bootful of some primeval ooze.

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