
I know how this wee tree feels being dwarfed by its's two bigger pals!
Another day filming in Obang today, slightly younger crew and less enthusiastic.
Getting ready to drag chubby hubby down to the Comm bar. He doesn't know it but no1 son has organised a wee get together of some of his cronies for a dram or three and being as he doesn't read this nonsense, he won't know. It should be a laugh if nothing else!
The only downside is me having to get up at stupid o'clock tomorrow to do a guided tour for some group at a museum in Glasgow. More detail in advance would have been helpful and not at 6pm this evening!
Its funny being on the other side of things being organised. When I would be arranging stuff, all the relevant info, contracts, timescales etc would be sent out well in advance! Its annoying when organisations ask you to do something at the very last minute! still it's pennies in my pocket so I am not complaining!

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