
By LuvU2

Diefenbaker, Milo and Chino.

The three of them had a jolly time this afternoon!

R snr had a 'swingball' (tennis ball on a string) and entertained them for a long time in the backyard! Poor old Diefenbaker has quite a problem participating, he is blind, and cannot follow what's going on, so he reverts to running after the little voices, barking at R all the time, while chasing the ball!

They were só tired when I took this shot!! C hugged Chino when Diefenbaker started sniffing in that direction, then C lowered Chino toward him, while Milo looked back, vérrrry interested to see what's happening!! ;-)

Otherwise we had a very quiet Saturday! We went for a wee ride this morning, took a few shots, but this one is my fav for the day!!

We received a big surprise text message this afternoon! Friends from days gone by, I don't think we've seen them in close on 10 years, are visiting a Resort close to us for the weekend and wants to come over for coffee tomorrow! Really looking forward to it!! (M, it is Billy and Janine Harvey from Orkney)

We hope to convince M&K (Let's.Tryit) to come over for the day tomorrow as well!! We were supposed to fetch R jnr tomorrow, but he is very keen on staying until Monday seeing that him and Marius still wants to go to the movies tomorrow, when I will go to Rustenburg again, to fetch him, while C&R snr meet friends from Zambia, Roger and Cynthia Russell, at the Johannesburg Station, en route back to Zambia from Cape Town, where Roger's son got married today! They will sleep over Monday and Tuesday night and C&R will take them to the Airport on Wednesday to fly back to Zambia!!

We have a few busy days planned and are looking forward to each and every moment of it!! ;-)

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