
By LuvU2

Sunset at Olifantsnek (Elephant's Neck)

I visited M&K (Let's.tryit) yesterday, slept over at their place and returned home with R jnr this morning. He visited his friend Marius in Rustenburg this weekend!

On arrival at M's place, I noticed this beautiful sunset, the both of us took lots of shot of it, she was in fact, already busy shooting it when I arrived! She got the most breathtaking shots of it, mine are not all that excellent, but I actually like this one!

We had an awesome 'Braai' (BBQ) last night. Only for the three of us! We were chatting till early in the morning, went to bed long after midnight, had to get up early this morning in order for her to be at the Office roundabout 08:00 and I had to pick R jnr up at 08:00 as well!

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