
By lucia13

Aleluya I finished my painting!

Hello my friends! Today it was a horrible day here. It was raining all day and windy . I didn't see any colourful thing so I decided to make one quick painting One fishing town in England. I think it is somewhere in Conwell . It is not the best but at least I finished it. It is painting with ink and watercolours. I just was practising with the water and trees it is so difficult for me. Really I am not good with watercolours but I tried .
I wanted to blip something better but the time passed so quickly so it is my emergency blip . I just finished one hour ago and I put it in the old framed temporarily. I will see what I will do with it. Really I am not sure but still I enjoyed . It is very relaxing .
What do you think? My husband said it is very colourfull why don't blip it!!. hehe! Well you know I am learning so I am not ashamed anymore..I know there are many good artists and talented people here so I don't mind if they give me some advise. Always it is very hepfull. I really apreciate it.
Thanks for the comments about my area in the town . Glad you like it. really I am very happy here. Nice place to go for a walk and peaceful. We are thinking to go to Cambridge tomorrow but will see how is the weather .
Hope you all are ok and have a nice weekend! be happy!

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