
By lucia13

Colourful and peaceful park !!

Hello my friends!
The first at all thanks for the lovely comments and kind words about my painting . I am glad you like it. I hope I will improve it in the future and I can blip you something better hehe! I am very silly or brave to blip my works I don't know but with you everything is possible here . You are very encouraging people and inspired me a lot. Thanks again . I appreciate it very much .
I just arrived one hour ago from Cambridge. It was a nice day out really. We went to Newmarket to buy something for my paintings in but I didn't find what I needed so we went to Cambridge later and I found everything there. It is a big city with a lot more shops.
It was crowded and I hate that but we just got the things quickly and went for lunch. Later we went for a walk and one cup of tea and we enjoyed the day. Maybe we will back tomorrow because we didn;t get something for my husband, something about the music. The shop was close at 5 and we arrived litle later.

Near the park and ride I saw this beautiful park and huge cemetery, nice trees and blue sky. We sat there for a while and enjoyed the peace. I thought it should be a nice blip for today. I love these tranquil places. They are very peaceful and relaxing and there are not many people around. My husband said I am strange because I like cemeteries and I like to take a pictures around there . He doesn't like to be there often .I think it is like another normal park but with an interesting histories .I will be very happy in one plsce like that when I amd dead . I don;t think it is sad. Depends how you looks at that.
I like to see how the tombs are very tidy and kept clean with a lot of adornaments like dogs. cats, angels, balls, flowers etc. It is interesting how the people go and put fresh flowers for the fsmilies or friends etc and nice things.People here care a lot about these sort of thigs .

Hope you like the picture. It was in the best moment I got the nice sky . Later it was grey and dark. When I arrived near to the river it was dark so I chose something colourful and lighter. The illuminations were not very atractive how we expected. I prefer the pictures in the day light . The day passed so quickly.
Hope you all are having a nice weekend too. Enjoy the day and smile.

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