"Clever" ...

...Yes, these little Noisy Minors are clever little birds hanging upside down just a little way from the camera..they love to get into the old Pepper Tree down near the riverbank and flit from branch to branch..

...You might see a bit of the old Pepper Tree right there which it's hanging from, the berries always intrigued us, so pretty they are, and it's a lovely thick weeping tree, the birds do love the berries..

...The old Pepper trees graced many properties in the old days, schools too, as they were not only good for the birds, but the only air-conditioning schools really had and on a lot of farms, they grew right next to the old dunny, thunderbox - you name it, that was it - it has a lot of names but 'the old toilet' it was to some, as it did keep the toilet a bit cool really..

... Most visitors to the old dunny weren't in there long as quite often they found they had company sometimes when opening the wire on the door, a brown snake, a sleepy lizard and yes, ofcourse lots of spiders, but the kero pump was right there to tackle those and the flies, and sometimes a shovel was kept by the door and usually inside alongside the sheets of square newspaper which was the toilet paper and was attached to a long piece of wire, but if we were lucky, we'd find sheets of butchers paper - a little more refined at times..
...In our home ofcourse we were a little more affluent, and even had a tap outside, with soap too..that was before our new home was built.with flushing toilets - but in the Outback, well, you got what you got..

...And ofcourse the birds found the Pepper Tree cool too, that's why they love to get into the thickness of the weeping cool leaves and hide from the hawks, and oh yes, on the left you can see part of the roof of the old dunny...it's seen better days now though..

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