Another one bites the dust

The foresters have been busy this week, according to the local rag, trees with a dotted orange ring around the trunk are DOOMED (whilst those with a solid orange ring are good for many years - quite why some trees have those and some have nothing is beyond me - but then I'm neither a forester nor German) I saw only five trees left bearing the (dotted) circle of doom, all the others are piled neatly on the edges of the paths, apart fom this one anyway.
This tree is lying across a path (albeit a not much used (because it's muddy) path) maybe it was the last tree felled on Friday just before knocking off time, I guess it'll get tidied away on Monday pronto, before someone calls the council and complains!
I took the teen clothes shopping today, a grim task (he's male, need I say more) he really needs ski gear...didn't happen, the multitude of jackets were all not puffy enough, I think that's what he said, so I cut my losses, at least he now has new jeans and a thicker hoodie, the rest will have to be sourced via the internet, fun.

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