Ashly's 21st Birthday Today
On the left is our our first grandchild, Ashly Nicole. In the middle on the top are the flowers we had delivered to her home today, and below hers are the flowers we had delivered (to the same home) for her Mom and Dad. On the right is Ash's mom, our daughter, Deidre (pronounced "dee-dra" we just call her Deed or Dede).
Ashly is one fabulous granddaughter. When she was born we were so excited to have a redhead. Then 5 months later her cousin Desiree was born a burnette, and almost 3 years later Ashly's little brother, Emerson, was born blonde. We've got a living rainbow of color. And of personalities, and of potential. All of our grandkids -- Desiree, Emerson, and great grandbaby, Tristan are all fabulous. If you knew them, we think you would agree.
So I was in my 30s and a college student when Ashly changed my title to Gramma. She was an itty bitty 5 lbs 4 oz at birth. I can remember it as clearly as if it where yesterday, and maybe that's why I can barely grasp that today she is 21.
All of her life she has been a "golden retreiver" -- so willing to always help others and always defends others. She is responsible, dependable, a hard worker, and currently doing quite well in college, and she will soon transfer from community college to the university.
We are pleased and bless to be her grandparents and
today we celebrate Ashly Nicole. Happy 21st Birthday Ashly!
Good night from celebration-land!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
P.S. Thank YOU to all who commented yesterday. I thought it was a fairly crummy photo and you were all so complimentary. You are ALL amazing. I love Blipfoto!
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