A Merrick Saturday

With his Daddy off deer hunting, and his Mommy working...guess who got to watch the boy? You got it...Pa-Pa and Mar-Mar.

The sleeping shot came at 12:01 this morning. If need be...a bright and early blip.

But...we did take a few more pictures. After I snap...he says..."Let me see...let me see." A real ham...a real "say cheese" model.

I never left the house today...never changed out of my bed clothes. Watched WAY TOO MUCH football, and had WAY TOO MUCH bed and Lazy-boy chair time.

I love watching football at the high school level...especially the state championships. No dancing after making a big play...helping your opponents up off the field...no leading with the head while making a tackle, and watching young men play the game for the sake of playing the game. Very refreshing, but watching from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. for 2 straight days...maybe a little much.

Merrick was a good boy, except when we wanted him to lay down for a nap. Then...bad Merrick made an appearance, but he did finally settle down. Good thing...Grandpa needed a nap...a nap from football.

Merrick (in the lower right corner)...again with the orange pop mustache. WHO KEEPS GIVING THAT TO HIM?

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