The Landing Zone

My alarm went off at 5 a.m. It was dark, and I was in a daze. Then...the...LIGHT...CAME...ON. It was Black Friday...and I had me some serious shopping to do.

After a quick shave, a brush of the teeth, and a few bites of pineapple...I was standing in line at Radio Shack...freezing my hind quarters.

A guy was waiting ahead of me with his dog. HE HAD HIS DOG! A little Pekingnese. At the stroke of the store employee was getting ready to open the door...suddenly his wife cut into the line. There was NO WAY I was going to let that happen! I shoved the guy. When he set the dog down to shove back...I drop-kicked his dog into Saturday.

Order was restored when the Radio Shack guy turned the tazer on both of us. (Good thing they're prepared.) After getting over the shock of that...I got a new GPS ('cause I'm not smart enough to use the one on my smart phone), a couple of SD cards, and 2 small USB storage plug-ins. was on to Home Depot, Dunham Sports, and the TSC (farm supplies) store. Those 3 stops came off without a hitch. A quick trip to the pond, and now I'm watching our high school football championships. 8 games spread over 2 days.

DISCLAIMER: I actually didn't get up until 8:30, and there was no dog. Everything else is true. The backdrop is the feathery close-up of a female duck.

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