Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Brussels skyline.

Saturday arrives-what to do today?

Seems I need to take 16 year old son to Brussels to purchase a coat.This could take some time as he takes a while to make choices-on one occasion it took him 90 minutes to choose a pair of shoes and that was in one shop!

Well at least it would give me some blipping possibilties for the day..I lost count of the number of shops we tried and frustratingly enough we found some nice coats but always too big,it seems the size small sells out fast here!

The Christmas market has already started but we didn't stop for long and I found some cool wall art and statues which were nice,but the image of the skyline when we stopped to look and the sun sinking I thought was nicest.The wall art will be there another day..

It was taken on my pone so probably not the clearest image I am afraid,but a nice memory of our day out .

We found a coat-it was the one tried on in the first shop!But we had to look around in case there was anything better!It's often the way these thing go and I would have done the same too!Hopefully this will now ensure that the weather will not be too cold!

Thanks for taking a peek and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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