Double Shot Mummy


The Tree is up!

And so Christmas 2013 begins. Bailee so far has been the one to put the angel/star on top of the tree. This year, it was on daddy's back!

We chose some gorgeous semi-non-breakable decorations at Crate and Barrel to add to our child-friendly collection and the tree looks fab.

This year definitely marks a new level of excitement for Oscar and Bailee. They are singing 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and 'Jingle Bells' all the time and talking all about Christmas.

We started a Reindeer/Moose project. The same concept as 'Elfing' which I have heard many stories about, where basically Santa's helpers come in the lead up to Christmas and get up to all sorts of mischief while the children are asleep. On Christmas eve they go to help Santa deliver the presents.... something to add the the magic of Christmas for them. We couldn't get hold of an elf as it's been a crazy few weeks so Moose and 'Weird' the reindeer from the toy box had to do! This morning you should have heard Oscar's words of delight as he explained that he'd found Moose and Weird eating chicken and eggs at the table!

Maple is of course in awe of the tree. We have put a makeshift fence around the tree to try and protect the decorations.

Overall a really nice weekend. I kind of feel we all deserved it as the last few weeks have just been insane.

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