Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

The Largest Floating Bookshop in the World!!

We'd (GK and I) already decided that one day of the holiday we would leave the environs of city life and head North!!!

No better day than today when Ras Al Khamah, in the Northern Emirates, became the desired destination, not only for us but for the Logos Hope. The largest floating bookshop in the world was berthed in the port from 28th November -8th December before setting sail for Singapore. Lucky us!!

Had a lovely, traffic free, drive up.....'cept for a flying piece of harboard that wounded my little car....but it could have been so much worse!! Where it came from...nobody knows...or where it went to...but on it goes went!!

Quick roadside reccy and tyre check before proceeding...arriving an hour before official visiting nothing for it...but a mall visit.

RAK has the weeniest malls in the world...single story affairs and to cap it all...MacDonalds was closed for refurbishment!!! Not that we were eating least not for another six months!! We went healthy with a super Lebanese tabouleh, houmous, shish tawook and fresh fresh bread!

Fortified and ready for our trail round the ship's vast book exhibition, enlarged muscles to enable the carrying of purchases, we browsed for the best part of an hour and a half before heading home, arriving just after 7pm and so ready for a relaxed cruise into the evening!!

If you have never heard of the Logos, the Doulos or Operation Mobilisation, learn all about them from their website Operation Mobilisation They share the Love of Christ around the world through books, workshops and seminars.

That they are welcomed here in the UAE is a credit to the openness of the Leaders of this nation who particularly value the educational resources that are being sold alongside the bulk of the stock which is Christian. Prosyletisation is strictly forbidden in this land but who knows how fruitful are the conversations that go on in and around the bookshelves and the cafeteria!!!

Its been a great day! A profitable day and now the night is fast drawing in.

Happy Blipping Everyone

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