Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

National Day Celebrations

Today is the day!!.....contrary to public opinion......when the UAE constitution was formed and the United Arab Emirates became an independent entity!!!

Many of the workers in this city would find that hard to believe as the majority have had to work throughout this day....something unheard of in all the years that I have been in Dubai!

Regardless of what day it fell on...December 2nd was always given to everyone as a public holiday. The city closed down its working sectors and the whole population celebrated in grand style. After's a very historic occassion.

Today, it was hardly noticeable....apart from a few cars, like this one, that were elaborately decorated in the national colours and bearing portraits of the Rulers. I well remember a car during the 40th Anniversary celebrations bedecked with swarovski crystals at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dirhams!!! It was escorted by a security firm.....naturally!

Apart from a parade in Abu Dhabi and a carnival in the Downtown area of Dubai with the Burj Khalifa showcasing its fireworks......which must have been silent ones!!!!...there seemed little else happening. Probably because there was no-one around to attend the celebrations!!!

GK had to work through the day so this evening we visited the tailor, then visited Diane who's actual birthday is today. She opened some champagne which we duly used to toast her Happy Birthday and then refilled our glasses to put in a quick one for the UAE's 'Happy Birthday' !!!

Home now and the sun has long since gone to bed.......and so must I (Little bit of old Gilbert and Sullivan creeping in there!!)

Happy Blipping Everyone

Happy National Day UAE!!

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