Dipper (big)

After a very pleasant lie-in I fancied a stroll up the WoL, but hadn't bargained for the blister I'd got on my heel yesterday by walking the endless corridors in my new shoes - I hadn't sufficiently broken them in. So we went along to Stockbridge on the bus for a wander round the market where we bought some nice looking bread and a couple of huge fat heads of garlic. Then I got the bus back while Mr H walked back in search of his kingfisher chum.

Before I got the bus home we were gazing down at the river when there was an outbreak of loud tweeting from three dippers who were having a wee stramash and flitting up and down the river chasing each other. By the time we got down to the riverbank a dog had appeared so the dippers had zoomed off to the other side of the bridge. The camera was on full zoom so I wasn't sure that I'd even got one in the frame. I think this was the big guy, on his rock, looking about for intruders. I don't know what that is hanging down from the branch above his head - a latex glove, perhaps. Could be worse....

Edit: Hah, I just noticed my one-year-ago blip. Still makes me laugh!

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