The height of sartorial elegance

This photo was taken by a giant, holding the camera at full stretch over his head. I think he did some sort of tilt/shift trickery too.

Either that or I really am a short, dumpy girl and there's no getting away from it.

Ah, stuff it, who cares anyway.

Home, after a day where I really did lock myself in my office in order to get a decent run at an important task that needed doing today. I still ended up having to do another couple of hours on it tonight at home, but if I hadn't have broken the back of it at work, I'd have been ploughing through data till 2am.

After locking myself away, a long but productive meeting, then home to whip up a lasagne, then carried on working.

Now finishing a glass of ginger beer and getting ready for bed.

Another long day tomorrow.

Night peeps.

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