As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

"I'll Give You Detention Until You're 37"

I'm 99% sure something cool happened, but I'm going to wait until I've super-duper confirmed it to post it on here.

Listened to Berman this morning. Relaxing.

I saw Kayleigh today during lunch!

Today was our trip to the library to perform for the retired teachers. It's wonderful seeing the one's who taught me, and I love when they remember me. We played, ate, and mingled before going back to the school around 2:45.

Easy 3 at practice with the whole distance crew back together again. Chris scratched my eye and I look totally bad-ass.

I made 9 wreaths tonight at Boy Scouts. It's nice getting a chance to see all of my Scouts.

A long and pleasant phone call.

Some bassoon-ing and now some sleep-ing.

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