
By BethAndCo

Lorna came to visit :-)

Eva was very unsettled going to sleep last night. She hadn't been sick again and her temperature had come down, and she was shattered, but she just would not go to sleep. Mike and I took it in turns to try and settle her down, but it took til nearly Midnight to get her to go to sleep. She did sleep through til morning then mind, just struggled to initially get to sleep, despite us trying everything.

Eva was back to her usual smiley, happy self today, and her appetite seems to have returned. She now seems to be coming down with a cold though, as was very snuffly today, but she didn't seem bothered by it.

My gorgeous niece, and Eva's cousin, Lorna, came round to see us this afternoon after Eva's sleep. Eva had lots of cuddles on Lorna's lap and they loved seeing each other. I had a lovely catch up with my niece too, it was really nice to see her. She was wearing some Piglet socks (or as Lorna used to say when she was a baby, "Pig-err-lit" so cute) and Eva was very taken with them, and kept trying to 'hold' Piglet, not quite understanding that they were attached to the sock awwww.

Again this evening, Eva just would not go to sleep. I put her down around 7.30 but she was back awake by 8.15 and that was it then, she was not going to sleep. She cried and cried in her cot :-( Mike and I again both tried to settle her, but she was having none of it. She was even having tantrums at one point, arching her back in the bed and stamping both feet down on her mattress, the little monkey. I'd given her a couple of feeds and winded her loads, so I thought she can't possibly need any more milk or burps, but I took her into our room to wind her in there at around 11pm, and managed to get another 3 burps up, so thought that's what it must have been, so put her back to bed, but no... She did not want to sleep still. I ended up giving up on having an evening by that stage and took myself up to bed. I thought I'll just give her a little more milk then there's not much else I can try, she had another feed, and went straight to sleep in her cot, it was around Midnight again by this stage. Same as last night xxx

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