Splash splash splash!
First of all I absolutely love today's pic.... Sooooooo cute and so squidgy. Eva absolutely loves her baths. Awwww I could just go and munch her right now my beautiful babba girl.
Eva eventually went to sleep at midnight last night and then slept through til gone 8am this morning. She just would not or could not settle the whole evening so I was glad she did sleep through in the end.
We had most of the day at home again today. She spent it mainly playing and sleeping. She was back to having a 2 hour sleep at lunchtime. I wonder if that's been part the problem with her sleeping, she's just got overtired and each day has added onto the last day of poor sleep and it's got worse. She had 2 hours today, and lo and behold, she went to bed at 8 tonight and is still asleep now at 10.30 as I write this. The previous 2 nights she's still been awake at this time. She did wake up earlier and moaned a bit, but settled herself back off to sleep. Let's just see what the night has in store.....
We did pop out for an hour this afternoon for another story sack session. Half the time was spent with the lady running it reading 2 stories with story sacks... One was Handa's Surprise where the story sack contained the hat and the different types of fruit and the other was Dear Zoo, which the sack was the different animals in the book. Eva loved that part and let out her usual excited little shouts, she is so funny. The second half of the session was creating our own story sack to the book Busy Bear... I tried to get Eva involved in drawing on the sack aka pillow case, but she mainly wanted to eat the pens, she came home with felt tip all over her hands and socks (randomly). At the end we sat round and read the story with the parts from our story sacks, then sang some songs. Another thing Eva does when she's excited or happy, is holds her arms in the air and twirls her little hands and feet round in circles (it's very funny), anyway, the lady running the session took Eva's hand movements as like twinkling stars from the nursery rhyme Twinkle Twinke, so we ended the session all singing that song hehe xxxx
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