Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

When the gorse is out of flower

... Kissing's out of season.

Even in the dead of winter there are always a flower or two on the gorse bushes. So, kissing's in at any time of the year! Keep those lips puckered!

There are actually more than one species of gorse and they grow together, each flowering at different times. The flowers are an important source of nectar and pollen during the winter months, feeding the insects that are brave enough to come out of their hidey holes.

Nipped out to take this image quite late. As if I needed yet another walk. I must have done quite a few miles again today. It was Dukes Day. The Duke of Northumberland, family members and their guests shoot on the estate one day every year. It's always a special occasion... I know not to splash pictures around for public view.
Back blipped as the all powerful Lord of Internet, BT, has been playing games.

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