
By cowgirl

Fairfield Farm College

Stupid migraine woke me in the night and I couldn't get off again til 7.30 am so not feeling up to much today. Just as well really as it's not really the day to be up to much. I know we're getting off relatively lightly here in the South West and hope all you Blippers up north and over in the east are keeping safe.

I popped down the road to Fairfield Farm College for an Eco refill and something else which I will tell you about tomorrow!

Other than that, the only thing I've managed is some scrambled egg and to make a card ( via Moonpig! ) for Emma, who's birthday it is tomorrow. Had planned to get the house cleaned up today, but all I feel like doing is having a nap! Maybe I should just give in and have 40 winks, then wield the vacuum cleaner once I've recharged my batteries?!

Keep safe and warm to those of you in the path of the current storm.

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