
By cowgirl

Proud Pooch!

Oh so pleased with herself for finding this stick and negotiating styles, narrow gaps and a kissing gate without having to give it up or accept a helping hand ( basically she wasn't letting me anywhere near it! ).

If I'm honest, I was very impressed with how she dropped it and took hold of it by an end instead of in the middle to get it through the small spaces available to her. Try it, it works!

( Oh, the thing I couldn't mention yesterday was just that I went to the farm shop primarily to purchase some National Garden Centre vouchers to send off to Mary's aunty Emma whose birthday it is today. In the photo that I've linked to, she's on Nelson, a horse she's bred and trained herself, and although not actually named after Mr Mandela, I thought it was appropriate ). R.I.P. Mr Mandela, surely not just a new star in our sky, but a whole new solar system.

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