Result of the storm!

Well! We awoke very early this morning, in fact it was the middle of the night, with overhead Thunder and Lightning and wind of 75miles an hour and gusting even higher! It had already cut the power to 120,000 homes over Scotland! Our power was off all day and didn't come back until the early hours of Friday morning. No blip possible on the Thursday, that is why I am posting this late. And the dreaded white stuff has been threatening all day. Well after checking with all our neighbors and handing out boiling water (we have a gas cooker), I went down the village to see what damage had occurred in the night and was greeted by this! It is the oldest and biggest flowering cherry tree in the village and was split asunder, either by the wind or lightning! It looked quite dramatic, so it had to be my blip for today! I hope you all survived the storms !

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