A historic occasion

The last twenty-four hours have been hugely important. The death of Nelson Mandela has affected us all and we are grieving along with South Africa and the rest of humanity.

The passing of this great man has caused us to reflect on his achievements, his courage, his significance and has made us stop in our tracks.

On my way for an emergency dental appointment, driving through the countryside which had felt some of the impact of yesterday's storm, I was listening to the radio - Radio 5 - and they were inviting people to share their memories of Nelson Mandela. One woman remembered being invited to a huge event, 500 school students, where the great man was speaking. He gave an inspirational address and then turned to the band, and the audience, and said, "Enough of words. Let us all dance". She has never forgotten this.

Young people have grown up without knowing the word "apartheid". After we have got over the shock, maybe we should reflect that it is a really good thing that they didn't know. Without Nelson Mandela's achievements, it might have still been a grim and shameful reality.

The superior man is the providence of the inferior. He is eyes for the blind, strength for the weak, and a shield for the defenseless. He stands erect by bending above the fallen. He rises by lifting others.

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