Another year older,

...but not necessarily wiser.

Check out my bunch of sweets! There aren't many left in the time it's taken to upload and choose the blip though. I did get a bunch of flowers too, from one of the girls in work - they're also very colourful and are sitting on my kitchen table.

Had a nice day - my first Polish birthday! Pressed snooze a few too many times this morning, but couldn't resist opening the cards and presents that I'd received over the last couple of weeks from uber-organised friends and family, before I went to work. Was out for cocktails and supper afterwards, with my lovely neighbour friends and peeps from work. Nothing heavy, all very civilised and grown up but very nice.

Have just been smiling at all the texts, wall messages (Facebook!), e-cards and emails from all parts of the globe - T'internet is a wonderful thing!

Sweet anyone? - Ah - too late. All gone!

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