My new pet!

Don't ask me what it is, but it seems friendly enough!

I've felt a bit wiped out today. Still not back to full fitness. Went to another church fair today - Victorian theme. I was on a lucky streak with four wins out of eight goes on the tombola and two absolutely super prizes. Then I had three wins out of eight on the children's tombola and gained three Lego kits. You know my love of Lego so I had to see what they made! Two more emergency blips in stock!

However, my luck had run out by the time I got to the bottle stall and I failed completely, as I always do on that stall. I am convinced they remove the winning tickets when they see me coming!

I would love to get back out and do some interesting photography outside rather than all these indoor odds and ends. I'm just struggling a bit at the moment. Please bear with me. I promise normal service will be resumed.

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