
By Appreciate

Non-stop Saturday!

A brilliant and very busy day. It was the school's Christmas Fayre. Before preparations began, I cleaned my room, did a washing and skipped out to the Post Office to buy Christmas. card stamps, tissue and wrapping paper, order festive fayre from the butcher and nipped back home to get my car which was full - only space for me!! Off to the hall to unload and set up for the afternoon's entertainment. I took an hour out to attend the Community Garden AGM and quickly snapped this before returning to pick more stuff up from school. The fayre began bang on 2pm with a huge queue at the door - in they came and 2 hours of noise, chatter, laughter and general pandemonium took place. The kids were brilliant selling almost all of their hand made goods, making a tidy £149. Overall the takings were an astonishing £1003!!! Monies must now be paid out for ingredients and resources, but what marvellous local support. It's such a supportive and generous community.
By the time we had cleaned and tidied, it was 545. Enough tea, it was definitely time for G and tea!!
A quick couple if phone calls and back out - this time to the Bistro for dinner. I've been there several times now. Always a different menu and consistently delicious. Yum!
A walk along the front was the perfect end to an amazing, but exhausting day.

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