
By Wendywoo2

'O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree'

Had trouble trying to upload a photo yesterday today so having to blip yesterdays photo this morning.

Visited our local Christmas tree festival in the village near us. My school had sung in the choir the day before so had heard all about the beautiful array of Christmas trees that they had in the church. Nothing had quite prepared me for the amount of trees and the variety in which they were decorated. Business, community groups, and schools had sponsored a tree and decorated in their own way to represent their group. So you had the WI grps, art clubs, camera clubs, dentists (including decorated toothbrushes as the decorations), the art club tree had small easels with painting on them as their decorations, police station had decorated their with police tape - the list could go on. This is the first time I had visited the festival and it certainly won't be the last. The whole church had christmas trees in them and a choir singing hymns and carols all day. It made you feel so Christmassy. The tree that was the most poignant for me was the remembrance tree - where you could leave a message for someone who you have lost. I would like to thank my amazing hubby for writing the message for my dad - using the words I would of used. I was overcome with emotion - even after all this time and could not begin to write it. He captured my thoughts and feelings perfectly.

I nice day all in all! Have a great weekend one and all xxxx

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