Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

What a day!

Quite an adventure this afternoon. My people took me for a walk while Joe was playing tennis. We went to a place called Sheepleas - funny though, not a sheep in sight!

What we did find though was an old lady searching for her Jack Russell dog. It was zooming around in the woods - a bit like me really. Another lady started to help her and my people to look for him - his name was Ben. Before long we all realised he was not running around anymore but was right down inside the rabbit warren under our feet! Even I could tell that those yapping sounds we could hear didn't come from a rabbit!! My ears were working really hard at this point.

Anyway, the two other ladies, not my people, had a feeling of déjà vu (whatever that is). Apparently Ben had done this before and luckily a man, called Martin, who is a gardener was walking by and came to the rescue as he had a spade in his car to dig Ben out. With no Martin around it was hard to think of a way to get him out. The lure of doggy treats wasn't working - I had my eye firmly on the bag in case some treats escaped!

Well, by this time my people realised she had to go and collect Joe and my other people and said she would try to find a spade and come back to help (no idea where from though).

I said goodbye to the other dogs with a quick run around in circles and headed back towards the car park. My people then spotted a man - called out to him, asking him if he had a spade in his car by any chance! Guess what, it turned out to be Martin! What luck. This is a big area of countryside and dog walkers so that was amazing.

My people was very pleased to see Martin - not sure if he was so pleased to see us, hee hee. Anyway we left him and his two dogs to rush to the aid of Ben.

What a day - and what a wonderful sky, when we finally got to head off on our journey homewards.

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