Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

It's my special day today!

My peoples have been making a fuss of me today. It is a sort of birthday apparently. My peoples came for me a year ago today. As they don't know how old I am, and I certainly have no idea, they have decided that today, 9th December, shall be known as my birthday! They think that they will pretend I am 3 today although I could be a little more, or even a little less!

Here is a picture of me, just over a year ago. I am in a public dog shelter in Romania and shared this small space with at least three other dogs. We were basically caught and put in the shelter with no food so we die. You can see one little face by my left ear if you blow up the picture.

I am very lucky. A very kind lady worked really hard at this shelter to provide us all with some food and get dogs like me out. I was chosen to escape as one of the few dogs who would be made fit enough to journey to another country. There are some very kind people in this world too.

Enough of all this. It is my birthday. No birthday hat for me - I don't do hats. But I do do treats and there is a lovely antler chew with my name on it!!

P.S. I forgot to say in the last blip. I managed to lose another bell yesterday in the bushes, hee hee.

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