My new toys :-)
This morning, Mike went and got Eva and brought her into bed with us at around 8am. I love those moments, full of cuddles, tickles and laughter... Just priceless.
I was going out with Suzanna tonight, so wanted to get showered and my hair done before Mike went off to hockey, so he got Eva washed and dressed and gave her her breakfast this morning. Eva is also terrified of the hair dryer, so it meant she was downstairs with her daddy, and I didn't have to worry about her being scared.
Lisa was clearing out some of Harry and James's old toys before Christmas, so I said I'd buy some off her for Eva. She bought round 2 big plastic tubs and a bag full of toys to choose from yesterday, so today, Eva was in 'toy test mode' sampling all the toys and seeing which ones she'd like. She was in her absolute element! So was I actually. She chose lots of musical instruments, an animal train, a Peppa Pig activity keyboard, a nursery rhyme book and some ABC activity stacking bricks. She sat for ages shaking the clacker in today's picture.
Mike dropped me into Solihull for 5pm to meet Sue. It was wonderful to see my best friend and have a long overdue catch up, but I was concerned about Eva not settling as I was going out so early, so come bedtime when she'd want her milk, would she take a bottle? The answer was no. She did eat nearly her whole stew and a yoghurt, so I knew she wouldn't be starving, but she wouldn't settle and go to sleep, so I was rather on edge about it from the pub. She eventually went off to sleep probably around 9.30-10, so not too bad considering. I got home around 1am and Eva slept through til 5am, when I was relieved to be able to feed her and then go back to sleep xx
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