A new routine and a walk to the shops x
After Eva waking at 5am for a feed, she then slept til nearly 9, when Mike brought her into me. She was so happy and smiley and excited. Just scrumptious.
With Eva not taking her bottle last night, and me going away for the whole weekend next week, and going back to work soon, obviously I've been rather worried about what we're going to do... Mike and I had a chat and decided that from today, I would make a bigger effort to get her to drink from a bottle. I gave her her first feed this morning myself, and her last feed tonight myself, but whereas I normally give her a little bit of milk before her lunchtime sleep, and some more mid afternoon, today I gave her 2 oz before her sleep from a bottle, and 5 oz mid afternoon, and I could not actually believe it, but she drank the lot! Rather hungrily too, no issue! Bizarre! So today's food and drink has been... Feed from me first thing, oat and apple baby cereal and toast for breakfast, 2 oz at 11.45am then nearly a 3, yes 3 hour sleep!!! Then around 4.30pm she gulped 5 oz down from a bottle, had a roast chicken dinner and yoghurt around 5.45pm, then feed from me and in bed asleep by 8pm.
After her mammoth sleep this afternoon, Mike, Eva and I went off round the shops with the pushchair to get a few bits, including the nappy restock. Eva loves going out on walks in her pushchair, I keep saying I need to take her out more without the car....
Eva had loads of play time with her new toys today too, slotted in between sleeps, the walk and dinner, she's wonderful to watch and join in playing with too.
Loved today, just loved it xxx
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