It Doesn't Make a Difference if We Make it or not.
DDW December Challenge devised by Mollymay - Slippery
So it's not really slippery... but I wasn't very far from the door today... in fact i wasn't even over the door today. Bleugh.
A kitchen floor in a busy kitchen at peak on a Saturday night is the worst ever. Never ever try to walk through a busy kitchen in heels.
I did that one night.
There was a lightning storm outside, and staff had been going to the side door for a fag as it was more sheltered; but they took grease with them and brought wet back in with them.
I was in the office below the kitchen, and I heard the door bell ring, I ran up the steps from the office, my heel hit a wet spot, and I slid. I slid the three feet across the landing and right off the top top of the four steps down to the side door.
While my legs flew through the air, my arse hit the edge of the step, not once but the force that I bounced off the step meant that my butt cheek lifted and slapped on to at least another step edge.
I scrambled up after coming to a halt on the bottom step, and opened the door and thankfully fell into the arms of Beloved, who had been hammering the door to escape the rain.
I had quite a dead leg for the rest of the night... but the dead leg was NOTHING compared to the WHOLE BUTT CHEEK sized bruise which stayed right there for the next six weeks.
That is why you must not run on wet floors. They are SLIPPY.
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