Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

An icy wind.

It had been a while since I took my camera to the marsh. Someone had posted some images of Hooded Mergansers and I thought I'd have a go at capturing them. This time of year there's not a lot of animal activity in the marsh.

I saw them, but with two dogs tethered to my waist it was difficult to get a clear image at ~300mm. I also saw some interesting ice formations in the shallow ditches around the marsh, and as we left I saw that a few milkweed pods were still relatively intact.

Since it was very cold, and there a=was a fairly brisk breeze, I decided to blend the ice image with the milkweed pods. It's sort of the feeling I had standing still for any period of time trying to capture an image.

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