
By Transitoire

The morning after...

I will begin with both thanks and apologies to my darling parents.

- For waking you both up at about 4am when I realised I had left my purse “somewhere”, and this purse had money and my keys in it
- For singing to myself afterwards, continuing to keep you both up
- Ringing the hotel to check if it was there (It was!!) and continuing to keep you awake

- For waking up to let me in
- For giving me the money to pay the patient taxi driver
- For driving to the hotel the next day to pick up my wayward purse
- To dad for coming with me to take this photograph of yesterday’s venue, but from the other side of the lake

I think that is all, I’m sure I will be reminded if there are any others!

Today was definitely recovery day, I think I went out to Morrisons with the parents, did the aforementioned tasks, and then did university work for the rest of the day. Sometimes I wonder what I do with my life bar work!!

Anyways, this is the Marine Lake, taken with tripod, from the Coastroad.

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