St Ives in December

St Ives in December is a magical place to be!

St Ives isn't just for summer visitors. There's so many events & activities taking place this month that we thought we would let all you Blippers know how wonderful our town is.

We know that there's lots of other Blippers in Cornwall and if you get the chance you really ought to pop down here to experience St Ives in December for yourselves.

However, I'm a little bit upset today because Ann has just told me that she's going to be 'out & about' quite a lot in the next couple of weeks and she won't be taking me with her.

She said, 'Molly, stop being such a drama queen. You'll still get your two hours of walks a day but I'm going to be doing a lot of eating & drinking & dancing & going to carol concerts & going to see bands playing. You probably wouldn't want to come with me anyway?!' Well may be I wouldn't but I do like to be given the choice???

Anyway, if you are thinking of visiting St Ives in December, with your four legged friends...................... doggies can play on all the beaches in the winter and we're also allowed in most of the pubs.

Check out the links above and if you make it down here let us know. We'd love to meet up for a dog walk or a glass of wine or two!!!!!!

PS - After this 'St Ives promotional blip' Ann should really apply for a job as marketing manager for the town. Lol!!!

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