Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Amelie had her very first ballet show today. She was a fairy, as you can see from this picture of her before we left the house. I was a bit unsure about how it was all going to go, even less sure when I had to leave her in the dressing room beforehand. Eeek! She didn't really want me to leave but took one of the girls (who was helping and who also helps out in class)hands and seemed okay. Due to a few issues with sound, everything was running very late and I was very flustered in the hot room with Isaac wriggling about on me wanting fed every two minutes because he was so tired but it was too noisy to sleep. Finally the show began and after 3 dances it was Amelie's turn! On she came....with all the other little ones. Bless them, they don't even need to do anything to be inredibly sweet and entertaining! Amelie did do a little bit of tippy toe running and she did her good toes/naughty toes in a circle then she stood in the line but just played with her wand. Then had to be encouraged to leave the stage. But she did it, and she smiled and I was very proud!!! I had thought we would be able to go and get her and let her watch the other dancers for the rest of the show but it wasn't possible. When I went to get her after she seemed very tired, and to be fair it had been a long afternoon for her.

When we got home I threw together some mince pies (I was using shop bought puff pastry and had taken it out to defrost so it needed to be done!) and we skyped Granny and Papa. Unfortunately Amelie got a bit upset and had a bit of a meltdown so that was abandoned.

Quick dinner and BED. We were all exhausted.

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