Trafalgar Square, London

Took the day off work to catch up with my cousin as she had a 5 or 6 hour stopover at Heathrow when she changed flights from Belfast to Pretoria. Although this was a surprise visit to see her mother she said the next time she'll take a couple of days out and visit her best friend in Kent and also stop off with me properly so she can catch up with my parents and my brother.

Coming out of Charing X my blip was always going to be an easy one as I stopped off to pay a few minutes respect to an icon. It was taken at an angle so not best composed but of the few photos I took I felt this one summed everything best.

Then coming home reading the papers on one page you have the love and inspiration that was Mr Mandela as the plans for his state funeral are arranged then on another the daily proceedings at court of the scum who hate I won't mention them by name.

This is my favourite all time quote from the great man, this should be drummed into every single one of us from birth so that we can live peacefully together in harmony on our beautiful planet:-

“No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

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